The Long Awaited Links Page!!
Here are some links that I tend to
frequent. The Creatures related ones are listed first. If you
want a link to your site or one that you like, just drop me a line and I'll see about it on to this list. *Please* inform
me of any broken links, I personally hate it when a site is
listed in a links page and the link is broken. =8-)
Creatures Jungle
Adventures In Norn Sitting
of the Evil Shee
The Norn Underground
Creatures Universe
Lots of C1 Cobs to be found here! =8-)
Where's the Cob?
Very handy when cob hunting.
Norns of Our Spaceship?
Nifty lil' site!
Project Osiris Homepage
The Norn Request
The Creatures Developer Resource
Jimbo's Creatures Page
Check out the cob page!
JD's Creatures Workshop
Handy thinks to be found here.
Albia Beach
Kevin & Kell-
an online comic strip
Sluggy Freelance- another
online comic strip. It's twisted! I LOVE it!
Ozy and Milllie-
another online comic strip
Hunger Site- a little something to help out others
The Rainforest Site-
help the planet's rainforests! A good
way to find neat stuff for free like mp3's? Go here.