C2 Norns For Download
These are some of my non-wolfings that
are availible for downloading. They come from my various albias,
I cannot always make any assurances about their state of health.
Some may be quite young, others quite old. These are the norns
that I think are interesting in some way. I hope you enjoy them.
Click on their snapshot to download them. Many of these norns may
need a certain set of sprites. When I'm able to find links to
where you can find those sprites, I post the link.
Octopus, Male MerNorn, Generation 3 or 4, hasn't bred yet, water
bound (can't breathe in air). Very even tempered. (*You must have
the MERNORN sprites!*)
Point, Half Scorpio, Half MerNorn Female, Generation 2 or 3, land
bound (can't breathe in water), hasn't bred yet. A very grumpy
norn, but likes younger norns.
Spanky, Half Bird, Half Scorpio Female, Generation 2, land bound,
hasn't bred yet. A very nice and smiley norn, other norns seem
drawn to her, would make a nice addition to any albia. (*You must
have the BIRD and SCORPIO norn sprites!*)
Cooparemos, Half Bird, Half Golden Desert Male, Generation 3, Has
bred 3 times, land bound. A very nice and virile norn, an
excellent breeder. Unlike the usual male bird norn pink coat, his
is red. (*You must have the BIRD and GOLDEN DESERT sprites!*
Golden Desert sprites come with the C2 Life Kit #1.)
Bethy, part Bird, part Golden Desert, part Scorpio Female,
Generation 4, land bound, hasn't bred yet, daughter of Cooparemos.
She's a bit of a grump like her Scorpio mother, Barbie.
Brannona, part Bird, part Scorpio, part Golden Desert female,
Generation 4, hasn't bred yet, land bound, daughter of Cooparemos.
Even grumpier than Bethy, also the smallest of the sisters.
Slappy, part Bird, Part Scorpio, part Goldent Desert female,
Generation 4, hasn't bred yet, land bound, daughter of Cooparemos.
Very smilely like half sister, Spanky, would also be a good
addition to any albia.